Holger Weets
Holger's first computer was a Vic 20, followed by a Commodore 64. His first Atari machine was a 520ST without ROMs(!) followed a 1040ST, Mega ST2 upgraded to 4Mb, accelerated with a PAK and a FRaK. Currently Holger is using an Apple Performa 630 running MagiC Mac.
Holger's first programming language was Basic followed by 6501 (V20/C64), then Omikron Basic, Pascal, Modula, Fortran, a little bit of Prolog, Lisp & Ada, and finally C. Most of the software Holger uses he developed himself (Compiler, RSC editor, C editor etc)
Atari software projects...
Email: Holger_Weets@ol.maus.de
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